Level Up Your Running Joy: Why Fun Runs are the Antidote to “The Rut”

Trading the Treadmill for Adventure DGR: Why Exploring a City on Foot is the Perfect Fun Run, aka, mini-vacation! Possibly a vacation from your problems : ) THAT is the GOAL: to disconnect, explore, taste, breathe, and especially this time of year, be merry with thanksgiving.

For any runner, there comes a time when the monotony of the treadmill or the familiar loop around the local park just doesn’t cut it anymore. You crave something new, something exciting, something that will reignite your passion for pounding the pavement. That’s where the fun run comes in.

A Fun Run is more than just a vacation from the day’s stresses, it’s a gateway to discovering the beauty of this world around us. It’s a complete mind-body experience, a chance to combine your love of running with your childlike dreams of just looking around the next corner. And what better way to explore a new city, or your own, than by lacing up your shoes and hitting the ground running?

New Scenery, New Motivation: Let’s face it, staring at the same local bike path or brick walls day after day can get, well, boring. When you’re running in a new locale, every corner is a potential surprise, every block a new adventure to discover on your own two feet. You’ll be amazed at how much more motivated you are to keep going when you’re surrounded by fresh sights and sounds.

Coffee Runs and Culinary Kickstarters: Forget the pre-workout gels and post-run protein bars. On a fun run, your fuel stops are the local coffee shops and trendy restaurants along the way. Grab a latte with a croissant for an energy boost, or reward yourself with a post-run feast that celebrates the city’s culinary scene. Your taste buds will thank you, and you’ll be supporting local businesses at the same time. Don’t forget a famous brewpub in those thirsty miles toward the end of the fun run; imagine mile 22 of a marathon, that’s when you go for the liquid goodies.

History in Your Strides: Every city has a story to tell, and there’s no better way to soak it up than by running through its streets. Trace the footsteps of historical figures, run past iconic landmarks, and feel the pulse of the city’s past, present, and future. You’ll return home with a deeper appreciation for the place you’ve explored. I found some great spots along the way in Denver that I had never seen before, that’s epic!

Unleash Your Inner Explorer: Ditch the guidebook and let your feet guide you. You never know what hidden gems you might stumble upon when you’re running through a new city, or your very own. A charming side street, a quirky local market, a breathtaking viewpoint – these are the unexpected delights that make FUN RUNS so special. Soak it all in, especially the views and culinary surprises.

Run Like a Local: Don’t just be a tourist, be a runner in a new city. Strike up conversations with fellow runners you meet along the way, ask for recommendations for the best running routes, and soak up the local running culture. You’ll make new friends, get insider tips, and experience the city from a unique perspective.

Planning Your Runcation Adventure??? (aka, Fun RUN!)

Ready to lace up your shoes and hit the road? Here are a few tips for planning your perfect runcation:

– Choose a city that excites you: Whether it’s a bustling metropolis or a charming small town, pick a place that you’re eager to explore.
– Do your research (but not too much): Find out about the city’s running scene, from popular routes to local running groups.
– Pack light: You don’t need a lot of gear for a runcation. Pack your running essentials, comfortable clothes, and good shoes.
– Be flexible: Embrace the unexpected and don’t be afraid to stray from your planned route.
– Most importantly, have fun! Fun-Run-Cations are about celebrating your love of running and exploring new places. So relax, soak it in, and enjoy the ride. And who knows, you might discover a whole new way to love running. Happy Fun Running DGR, wherever you live around the world!

P.S. Don’t forget to share your fun run adventures with us on the DGR Facebook page or group! Use the hashtag #demoorglobalrunning on social media to show us the world, one run at a time.

I hope you enjoyed this vlog! Let me know if you have any other questions about keeping running fresh. Onward and Upward to “enjoying the process”!

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